Our Solutions 2018-02-26T14:48:22+00:00

Supporting your team with predictive analytics & targeted action, for future networks.

Equiendo’s predictive analytics & co-ordinated approach to orchestration allow your team to achieve shared network goals across both Network Product, and Customer Experience focused channels.

MyNetwork™ Strategy

MyNetwork™ Capacity

MyNetwork™ Product

1. Business Intelligence


MyNetwork™ Product

1. Business Intelligence

MyNetwork™  Product


  • Gain high level view of underutilised network resources available to grow revenues.
  • Uncover most profitable network segments which can be prioritised for growth.
  • Understand customer service quality probabilities across all times.
  • Be confident corporate VIP customers are getting best possible service.


  • Learn effect of promotional & campaign uplifts for future estimates.
  • Uncover impact of increased service usage & customer growth on infrastructure requirements.
  • Utilise machine learning models to generate service quality & investment forecasts.
  • Reveal impact of traffic growth on the service quality.


  • Determine network requirements needed to deliver desired service experiences given changes to customer & service demand profiles.
  • Determine maximum customer service quality achievable for available network resources.
  • Understand impact a promotion will have on service quality.
  • Forecast how many new devices and products such as IoT can be sold.
  • Maximise return on investment when allocating network budgets.

2. Strategic Planning


MyNetwork™ Strategy

2. Strategic Planning

MyNetwork™  Strategy


  • Understand how to sweat assets to maximise returns.
  • Understand impacts of new devices and services.
  • Benchmark vendor performance over all technologies.
  • Gain standard performance insights across group markets.


  • Accurately & independently forecast requirements to deliver required customer experience.
  • Translate service growth forecasts into network planning targets.
  • Rapidly run scenarios for cost/benefit of different customer experience targets.
  • Confidently redeploy assets without impacting future customer experience to achieve CAPEX savings.


  • Target investment deployment to highest priority/ most profitable segments.
  • Maximise spectrum & network assets through implementation of best strategies while providing best customer experience.
  • Track performance of your investments & return over time.
  • Ensure successful execution of targeted promotions.

3. Capacity Management


MyNetwork™ Capacity

3. Capacity Management


MyNetwork™  Capacity


  • Understand where traffic & resource load is impacting your customer & network performance targets.
  • Identify underutilised network assets & potential headroom for growth.
  • Confidently identify network bottlenecks and impact on your throughputs.


  • Highly accurate cell level predictive analytics across all resources & technologies.
  • Apply addtional uplifts for future promotions of new subscriber profiles.
  • Provide confidence to proactively manage capacity and redeploy network assets.


  • Rapidly resolve congestion with best solution to maximise network utilisation.
  • Execute standardised just in time processes to proactively prevent future congestion and improve subscriber performance.
  • Densify network where required and upgrade in minimum increments.
  • Monitor and track the impact of your capacity upgrades & configuration changes.